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Lab 3 - Unity Tool Development

Third lab completed. (Lab description in Walker boys Studio)

Check the timer screen -> Click here

Check the animation screen -> Click here

My Name: Giacomo Mariani, aka Jack Marian

2-may-2012 - START
8-may-2012 - END of the Tutorial

Project description and goals achieved

First part of the project was about learning how to implement scripts to add tools for the editor itself. I followed the tutorial, implementing a tool to automatically create the folders I usually adopt for a project.

Exercise: add personal folders

  • Create a Folder Structure for your Future Projects
    • Update Tools Folder Creator and design it around your folder system
    • Provide a written outline of your ‘new’ folder structure (On website)

My folders are the ones suggested in the tutorial, except of:

I divided the Audio in "Music" and "Sound".
I added a subfolder in the scripts for the backups: /scripts/backups.
I added another backup subfolder for prefabs: /prefabs/backups.
I added one last folder for Game Documentation, to store design documents.

The remaining folders are the same suggested in the tutorial, I copy directly the code:

Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Materials");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Meshes");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Fonts");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Textures");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Resources");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Scripts");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Scripts/Backup");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Shaders");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Packages");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Physics");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Game Documentation");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Sound");
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectPath + "Music");

Then, following the tutorial, I implemented a script to directly add a new prefab from a game object in the editor.

Exercise - new tool "center game object"

  • Think about it
    • Study your current work behavior while in Unity
    • Identify at least one way to improve your workflow
    • Create an Editor Tool, Tab, or Hotkey that will speed up your process

As exercise I then implemented a new feature to quicken the development of my projects. I created a code to center an object to the 0,0,0 position. Many time, when I create new object I found them unaligned and I have to manually move them, or insert the coordinates in the inspector. My script add a hotkey element to center the object pressing "Alt+shift+C.

Exercise "Create Material from Texture"

  • Extra Credit
    • Create a new tool to create a Material from a Texture Selection

I had some problem with this because I coded the script and all seemed correctly, but it didn't work as supposed. Eventually I added a shader element (I used "Specular") and added it to the material, and it succeeded.

var shader: Shader = Shader.Find("Specular");
var material : Material = Material (shader);

material.mainTexture = texture;

Afterwards I followed the tutorial for the animation and for the timer.

Exercise Time component

  • Complete the Time Component with Functions or Class setup
    • The web build will have a working time component controls (0-9)
    • The assignment is explained in Step 16.

Completed. I initially tried using a Class, then I decided it felt more suitable to use functions so I completed the time component adding the functions requested.

Software Used: Unity 3d, Monodevelop, Notepad ++

Final thoughts

This project was bit less fun than the others, especially because it was about implementing tools and not a game itself, but it enriched much my experience.

I didn't think there were so many things available to be implemented. And I feel it's very very useful to understand sprite animations. Also the time tool was an enriching experience.

Time to start mario 2d Lab.

Break down your Time:
Research: 2 hour (mainly on unity site, script references) - Expected 2 hours.
Art: 30 min (all the art was already implemented) - Expected 1 hour.
Design: 3 hours (1 hour tutorial) - Expected 1 hour.
Coding: 9hours (7 hours of tutorial) - Expected 7 hours.
Playtesting and bug fixing: 3 hours (I had a problem with the shader of the material for the time animation). Expected 1 hour.

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